Monday, July 28, 2008

Low-key week...sort of 7/20/08

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. We had a pretty semi-busy week. We were lucky enough to be invited to go swimming at the community clubhouse a couple nights by Lisa. It was really nice to go and relax and swim and get some good aquatic exercise in with Lisa & Melanie. Daryl & Ryan are at Philmont Scout Ranch for the next week so we had Melanie & Lisa all to ourselves. =o) I did good with my walking, we walked everyday except Friday, we changed it up a bit and worked out with a new exercise DVD I bought. It's called Prevention Fitness: Shortcuts to Big Weight Loss by Prevention Magazine. It has 10 minutes of cardio, 10 minutes of pilates and 10 minutes of kickboxing. WOW, the kickboxing kicked our butts. LOL.

I did get some good news at a recent doctor's appt. I’ve been on thyroid medication for about a month now and my count has gone down since I’ve been taking it. It was at 5.87 and when I got retested for it a few days ago, it went down to 3.37. My doctor would still like to see it down below 2 but we’re working on it. She wants me to get retested in another month. That way I’ve been taking the medication for 2 months. I was pretty happy about that. I know I’ve lost weight but I don’t see it on the scale but can feel it in my body muscles and I can also tell because some of my clothes fit much looser. YAY =)

Friday we went over to the Pascoal's to hang out and we decided to play a little minature golf. We went to a place called Monster Mini Golf. It was really neat. The golf course and everything inside glows in the dark. While we played mini golf we walked around and it looked as if it were Halloween. So many neat scary goblins and ghouls. We had a great time.

Saturday night we watched Aiden (4) & Jeremy (2) for a few hours. The boys were fascinated by Jake's beard as I described in a short previous blog called The Beard... Instead of driving home we stayed the night.

Sunday we tried to think of something to do but we all had different ideas and were very indecisive so we opted to eat lunch, let the boys nap and we'd decide what to do afterwards. While the boys took naps we watched Mad Money. It was really good. Diane Keaton was the mastermind of this comedy. They set out to smuggle large amounts of $ from the Federal Reserve Bank. Don't worry, no one gets hurt or mangled in this hilarious film. This has some really great scenes. A MUST SEE! WOW, I sound like a movie critic and I'm not even getting paid. LOL =)

We met up with the Monick's at Celia's Mexican restaurant for dinner. I had an in cling for crab enchiladas but was disappointed that they weren't as tasty as they sounded so I sent them back. =( Jake was sweet enough to share his fajitas with me. Thanks honey! After dinner we all made our way back to the Pascoal's and they all played Ticket to Ride: Europe. It was a pretty good game. While they played the game I played Super Mario on the Wii and conquered and saved the Princess. We've all played the original one Ticket to Ride with the states and Evan & Stephanie had this new version so this was a nice change of pace. That's about it. See you next blog.

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